Thursday 5 June 2014

A love affair...

It's confession time here at Throw Out The Map. Well, technically that was yesterday but I missed that boat by a solid 24 hours. So, here I am with a confession for you, on a Thursday non the less. Get ready it's a biggy.

I am in love.

I am in love and he doesn't love me back.

In fact I'm in love and he barely even stays for breakfast.

I'm in love and I don't care who knows it.

I am in love with Mr. Overnight-Oats.

Seriously, I don't know how I lived without him. I'm aware that this may be yet another party I'm late to join, but now that I'm here there's no way I'm leaving. I mean, come on, it makes breakfasts almost as easy as not bothering at all.. but ya' know.. you're still bothering. In fact I'm so in love I'm going to make you a pros and cons list. Just in case you're doubting their awesomeness.


A super healthy breakfast waiting for you every morning.

All the different flavours you can get your hands on - I'm talking, oreo, strawberry, chocolate, banana, even spinach if that's your thing.

Extra time in bed. That's always a good thing right?

In a jar - eat on the go. Not in a jar - eat at home - unless you made it on the floor then maybe don't eat that.

You feel super organised when your breakfast is just waiting for you. Or like your suddenly living in a hotel.


There are no cons - are you crazy?!

Okay well maybe there are a couple, like, it's not actually made my the oat elves. Even though it's just waiting for you every morning you still need to put a little effort in the night before. But, lets be real, 10 minutes before you go to bed is more than worth the extra 15 in bed the next morning!

So how do you make your very own sneaky oat-so lovely overnight oats? It literally couldn't be easier.

Chocolate, Strawberry and Almond Overnight Oats.

You'll need:

Half a jar of rolled oats.
Half a jar of milk/soya milk/almond milk whichever you prefer.
Spoonful of cocoa powder.
Pinch of sugar.
Half a banana.
Hand full of strawberries.
Hand full of almonds.

As you've probably gathered from previous posts I'm not a massive fan of measurements and tend to cook by proportion so obviously you can change the amounts around as much as you want.

First things first you want to fill your jar around half full with rolled oats, and add the sliced half banana.

Next, pour around half a jar of milk over your oats and banana so they are just about covered. Then sprinkle in the pinch of sugar and spoon of cocoa powder before closing the lid and giving it a good shake.

That's all the preparation done. Pop that jar in the fridge and head off to bed.

When you're up and about and ready for breakfast it's even easier.

Grab your jar out of the fridge and top with sliced strawberries and some almonds.

Now go enjoy. If you're feeling creative mix it up and add cookies, different nuts, fruit, seeds anything. The world of oats really is your oyster. But if you find some showstopping combinations please pop back and let me know. I'm always looking for new ways to spice up my morning oats.