Tuesday 25 February 2014

Hectic and I Know It..

Oh man, here I am and boy did I pick a crazy time to start a blog. Some would say a ridiculous time, with so much going on in the next 4 months I don’t know where I’m going to find the time. I like to think of it as the perfect time, with so much going on I’m never going to run out of things to talk about am I. And what better way to remember the moments that normally pass by in a blur than in this collection of run on sentences and gobbled gook. So, without further ado let’s begin my play by play list hecticosity (no? maybe? We’ll go with it.)

Work, work and more work.

After a beautiful couple of months of chilled out work schedules for Christmas and New Year, and a beautifully lazy January filled with my birthday, drinks and minimal actual work needing doing February has hit back with a vengeance. We’re talking multiple events in the next 3 months, more skills to teach and a couple of fabulous top secret projects that I can’t wait to start working on. Honestly, I am super excited for all this busyness to take over, I love the work that we do and getting to play an integral role in events as well as just interacting with the kids is such an honour.

Couch 2 5k

Not such a fun one, but between now and summer I plan on actually getting my butt into shape. I’ve always been a fan of dancing but in recent years it’s become less of a fitness activity and more of a fun occurrence on nights out and at gigs. As much as I love dance, somehow with my work schedule and my intense need to save for summer, I can never seem to find a class I like at a price I like. That little fun/cost dilemma has led to this couch potatoes decision to finally give running a go, and I mean I’m really going to try.. I’ve decided on the couch 2 5k as I’ve heard so many good things about it and hopefully by summer I’ll be happier, fitter and just maybe managing enjoying to run at least a little distance!

Newcastles of the World

Now this one’s crazy exciting! I am honoured to have been invited to take part in the Newcastles of the World conference in Novre Hrady, Czech Republic as a youth delegate. I’ve been lucky enough to take part in this conference back in 2012 when Newcastle Upon Tyne played host and as a member of the Youth Council I helped to prepare and run the youth sessions. The week was spent exploring our local area and getting to know a lovely group of young people from Newcastles in South Africa, Japan, Switzerland and Germany and I cannot be more excited to be involved this time.

Camp America!!

Eeek. Oh my gawd, I am SO SO SO excited!! In January this year after humming and hawing all of last year I decided to just bite the bullet, make a profile and apply to Camp America. For those of you who don’t know, Camp America are one of the biggest providers of summer camp jobs in the USA. They provide thousands of people the opportunity to work in camp counsellor or campower positions all over the United States with a months travel time added on at the end. I’ve been given a job in New York as a special needs counsellor at a summer school and I could not be happier right now! I’m going to start a regular post about my experiences with Camp America from the application form I completed in January to my post camp travel in August.

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