Thursday 20 March 2014

Happy Happiness Day Happy People

That's right girls and boys today is officially the United Nations International Day of  Happiness. A day dedicated to pure unadulterated happiness, encouraging us all to go out and notice those things that make us happy. Now, as I've said before, I am a massive believer in stopping to smell the roses in our day to day life. Sometimes life can feel too hectic, or like there is not enough time to find happiness in our day, and while I like to think that we can all make time for noticing the special moments everyday I fully support a day dedicated to reminding us of its importance.

87% of people said that they would rather live in a world with the greatest happiness and well-being than a society with the greatest wealth. I for one couldn't agree more, we've all heard the saying "money doesn't buy happiness." But in a society so dominated by consumerism  and demand it becomes increasingly easy to forget that and start to think that we cannot be happy without the latest iphone, shoes or tickets to the hottest gig. It saddens me slightly that 42% of people said that they would choose their "money and financial situation" as one of the three things that are most important to their happiness.

Heck, even on blogs and in lists designed to encourage us to step away from societies expectations and find happiness in the little things we are told that enjoying a muffin at a local coffee shop will rejuvenate our sense of satisfaction, a day at the zoo will fill us with excitement and that taking a trip somewhere will fill us with cheer.  And yes, while I agree that all of those things are filled with joy and that at times are happiness can be affected by money there are a thousand more things that will bring us happiness without spending a penny.

Research showed that most people, 80% would rate their relationships with their family or partner as the most important to their happiness followed closely with health at 71%. For me these figures begin to restore my faith in our society and remind me that certain values for many people still remain key. In my life I try very hard not to let my happiness rely on expectations of others and to seek peace and contentment from within. However, family and friendships remain central to my optimism, and nothing brings me greater peace of mind than the knowledge that my family or friends are safe, loved and happy in themselves.

Cancer awareness makeupless selfie, with
the not so baby baby bro
Today I have tried to make extra time to share the delight of happiness with anyone and everyone I met, I smiled at strangers on the bus, helped people who looked lost and spent an extended lunch break giggling with colleagues at work. There were two things that also happened today that definitely added to my sense of pride and pleasure today. As well as being International Day of Happiness, the 20th of March also marks my youngest brothers birthday and today he turned 16 - I'm not sure I want to believe it, but I am so proud of the mature, thoughtful yet exuberant man he is becoming. Spending the evening eating gorgeous Italian food and joking with my brother and sister have left me feeling wonderfully contented with life.

The second thing that has brought the biggest smile to my face began with something I just could not understand. Yesterday, my facebook news-feed exploded with hundreds of 'naked' selfies all in the name of cancer awareness. At first I thought this was another facebook fad, with very little practicality in terms of combating cancer or raising awareness. I was wrong and I couldn't be happier. As the pictures continued to appear allover my laptop, and status' started popping up left, right and center either for or against the campaign I began to understand. For every selfie uploaded people were donating £3 to Cancer Research UK but more than that everywhere I turned people were discussing cancer, reminding people to check for lumps and offering their support to people effected. Reading the news today I was amazed and awed to see that in just 24 hours more than one million pounds had been donated to Cancer Research UK and the number is still rising.
Now that is news that should bring a smile to even the most pessimistic of heads. Its a reminder that every little move we make has a consequence, an often unseen reaction that can truly impact on peoples lives. I say that we each carry that thought in our hearts, and that having embraced today we take it as a lesson to happiness a priority in everything we do. What do you really know about that stranger on the street. Maybe that smile brought them fleeting happiness for the first time today.

If you are happy, you can share the happy. Your smile can be the most powerful thing you own. Think about today, remember today, and next time you get a chance share that smile. 


  1. Wow I had no idea there was an International Day of Happiness! Very cool. And you are so right, we need to focus more on the things that bring us happiness that don't revolve around money- family being the #1 on my list!
    Thank you so much for linking up on my blog!!
    Oh yeah and you look super cute in your make-upless selfie! I don't think I could upload a make-upless slefie; I'm pretty sure I would break the internet.

    1. I didn't realize until someone started singing about it at work, but I think it's the loveliest idea. As soon as I saw your link up I knew I had to share happiness day with you!!
      Haha I just instantly look like a child without makeup. I'm sure you wouldn't, its a great challenge though because for some people makeup is a total part of who they are.
      Thanks for reading! xx

  2. Molly, Nice to connect with you from This Made Me Happy Link Up! Have a GREAT week!!
