Monday 24 March 2014

Monday Letters

Sunshine + Bubbles = Spring, yeah?

Dear Spring, Thank you so much for turning up early this year, but can we at least try and stick around. I don’t want any of that April showers nonsense. The sun has been shining all weekend and I don’t think my little heart could take a cold spell any time soon. Dear Neighbours, I know it sunny and you want to start barbequing but kindly think of us poor souls, who are working. The smell is making me oh so jealous! 

Dear Work, Why do you have to be at your busiest on the weekend, and why do you only have indoor events when I want to be outside. Dear Kind Lady Yesterday, I can’t believe you gave me an Easter egg just for doing my job. It was so kind and lovely of you. Thank you. 

Dear Hudson, I’m already getting excited for our comedy adventures on Friday. The weekend seems so far away, hurry up and come home! 

Dear Rambert, I am so excited to see Rooster at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday. It has been far too long since I’ve watched dance just for the enjoyment. Dear Martine, Thankyou so much for keeping our trip to see Rambert a secret from Mum. I can’t wait to see her face when she realises where we’re going! 

Dear June, Hurry up and get here I can’t contain my excitement for America. 

Dear Molly, Stop writing these letters. You have 2 hours before work and you want to get out into the sunshine first!

Dear Weather, It was pretty cool to see you hailing from  what seemed to be a cloudless sky but please don’t try that kinda crazy on me today… I need the sun!

Dear Anyone Reading This, Sorry for the cop out of a post. It’s sunny and my brain is over worked. I promise I’ll show up properly tomorrow with actually thoughts and actually stories. 

Dear Monday, Let’s do this!

Yours sincerely, Molls xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey Molly! Stopping by from The Adventures of Noble & Pond. I was referred to your blog from Angela at Cuddles and Cartoons, and I am super excited to start following your blog. Have a wonderful day :)
