Saturday 15 March 2014

That week where I just fell off the internet

Hi. Hello. Nice to speak to you again, long time no see. 

Umm, so I feel I should apologize. You see just last Friday I was here telling you all about my ‘oh so exciting’weekend ahead. Blog wise I was all set to spend my Sunday writing up ‘magic moments’ for you and was geared up to tell you about my adventures planned for the week. It was all going rather great if I may say so, I mean look at my tipsy jolly face Friday night, just back from a beautiful gig and getting ready to be stuffed full of midnight pizzas.

Unfortunately that was the only photo taken of what was a lovely night. Not only did I get to spend the evening with my bestest who was up visiting from Leeds but I also got to see a local folk band, Gilded Thieves play live for the first time in months and have a sneaky drink with some of them. I’ll post a full review of their gig next week, but safe to say they were fantastic as usual!

Sadly that was the point when my week took a bit of a nose dive. The next morning I woke up feeling slightly more hungover than I should have been and Saturday became a write off, by Sunday I was feeling no better, in fact by Sunday I was almost certain that I had the flu. Now I’m normally quite good at powering through illness, and this week that was definitely necessary. I had 2 full days of work planned and a trip to London for my embassy appointment at the end of the week, I could NOT be ill. Sadly though Ill I was, Monday was slept through and although I managed to get into work on Tuesday evening I drank a lot of tea, watched a photo shoot and did very little else before heading home and crawling straight back into bed.

Now any sensible person at this point would be cancelling their 6am coach for the next day and at the very least booking a later one, my embassy appointment wasn’t until Thursday. But no, little miss clever clogs here arrived home at 11pm Tuesday night and preceded to pack her bags crawl into bed and get up at 4.30am the next day, sneezing and ill. I waited for 40 minutes in the cold morning fog and eventually got on my megabus.

See, dedication right there, and I thankfully managed to get another few hours of sleep on the coach and woke up feeling ever so slightly better and ready to play bus games and explore London for a couple of days. I jammed as much as I could into those 2 days before getting a late night coach back Thursday night, and battling power cuts all day Friday to catch up on work. Subsequently when I woke up this morning with a shock remembering that It has been WAY over a week since I’d shown this here blog of mine even a little bit of love.

So that is where you’ll find me right now, curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea happy as a llama in a bow tie, getting my blog on. I promise to make up for this week’s lack of blogness with plenty of adventure recaps, thoughts, and review as well as the first in my little series of why I chose Camp America, because fyi I officially leave in just 96 days… So much excitement! 

And on that note, I’m going to leave you all in the capable hands of Miss Saturday, I hope she treats you well and Mr Sunday is good to you too. Have a gorgeous weekend my lovelies and catch you all on Monday.

p.s. I have definitely learnt my newbie blogger lesson... blogging is like cooking, always keep some spare posts chilling in the freezer just in case you don't have time to whip up something special... that is how cooking works right?

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