Monday 7 April 2014

32 Things That Make Me Happy

This weeks been a little bit of an odd one and I've been feeling a little off. Not sad as such, but not crazy happy either. In reality I know my weeks been pretty good I've had loads of nice work and subsequent funtime adventures with my work chums,  but there has also been loads of not blogging and an awful lot of missing my Canadian bestie. A mixed bag you could say. So when I saw that Erin over at Two Thirds Hazel and Sarah at Venus Trapped in Mars were hosting a 32 things that make me happy link up I just had to hop on board. As I've said before It's really important to take the time to stop and smell the roses.

At first, feeling the way I am today I thought 32 was an annoyingly large number of happy things, but thinking like that what was the point of even taking part. So I got down to it and by number 10 I was feeling a 1000 times better about everything. Taking the time to remember the little happy things really does change everything. 

Venus Trapped in Mars

1) Spring finally showing up to the party - we might still have April showers to get through but it's only gonna get sunnier from here.

2) I finally have a dinner date arranged with all my work girls.

3) I fly to Czech Republic in 19 days..

4) That by volunteering/doing the things I love I get trips to Prague and to see my Newcastle's of The World family again.

5) Nachos and fajitas.
6) Its Easter so all my besties are returning from the far flung university lands.

7) Pizza slices bigger than my face.

The photo doesn't do it justice. The face does.
There was just SO much pizza for a girl who'd been eating 1 meal a day for 10 days!

8) Skype conversations with the Canadian cutie.

9) The smell of new books, and being able to curl up and read until your eyes can't read anymore.

10) Breakfast in bed.

11) Heading out into the countryside and hiking for the day - instant smiles.

12) Hanging out with any and all of my puppy friends.

13) Stumbling upon free tickets for gigs and shows that turn out to be amazing.

14) Playing dress up with all the ridiculous clothes In my wardrobe, just because.

She might kill me for this...

15) Waking up every morning to my playlist and dancing around my bedroom.

16) In 11 weeks I will be living in America just starting work at my school for the summer.

17) I'll be meeting all my Camp America group for the first time on Saturday!!

18)  New York, New York by Frank Sinatra on Grooveshark  Self explanatory really..

19) Trying out a new recipe, good or bad it's always fun.

20) Getting the chance to work at some fantastic festivals before I leave this summer!

21) Lazy days with my brother and sister.

22) Moto GP is back... And I couldn't be happier, so much excitement.  

23) Rossi.

A little too obsessed. Source.

24) Binge watching crappy tv in my pjamas. Teen mom 2 may have been marathoned on Sunday

25) Looking at my American Visa.

26) Rearranging my room and filling it with pastel cushions and big fluffy quilts.

27) Going to bed before 10pm... Grandma. sorry not sorry.

28) Having my computer back and working.

29) Putting on a new dress and it fitting just right.

30) My backpack.

31) Having a haircut that requires zero effort. Too lazy but Its true.

32) Knowing that I could keep on listing happy things for a long long time.

There you have it 32 things that make me as happy as a llama wearing a bowtie. Oh theres another one.

33) Llamas wearing bowties... named george.

Oops things are getting a little wierd around here now so i'm gonna leave you with this no matter how bad you might be feeling theres always something that willmake you smile, whether it's llamas in bowties, planning a trip, watching tv or chatting to your friends. Look for a positive and theres often one to be found.

Oh and you should head on over and link up with Angela at Cuddles & Cartoons for her this made me happy link up, i'm a little late as usal but, it's always refreshing to dose up on positivity just before a new week starts.
Cuddles & Cartoons

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome list!! I love the smell of new books too; its instant happiness! And that pizza looked amazing!!
    Thanks for linking this up to my blog! :)
